Has this ever happened to you?

Spanish teachers, has this ever happened to you? A student asks you how to translate some really obscure word into Spanish? Then this is the comic for you:

How do you normally respond to these questions?

Teacher Problems

About spanishplans

Spanish Teacher in Chicago. Have studied or traveled to Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Argentina, and Uruguay. Have taught level 1 at middle and high school levels. Degree in Spanish and Master's in Teaching and Leadership. Blogger www.SpanishPlans.org
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3 Responses to Has this ever happened to you?

  1. myfavedeals says:

    If it’s something really obscure I don’t know I will admit to students that I don’t know every word just like an English teacher doesn’t know every English word.

    Other times I challenge students to use the dictionary and look it up themselves.

  2. marie2515 says:

    I too am honest with my students. If I don’t know something, I tell them I will have an answer for them the following day.

  3. fjkingsbury says:

    I have my computer on all the time so I can quickly look things up in my favorite online dictionary ( http://bilinguish.wordpress.com/2010/02/02/best-online-dictionary/ ). But if we don’t have time, it’s an idiom or something that would require internet research, we make a “teacher’s homework” list on one side of the board. If they come with the words defined next class and I’ve forgotten, they get an extra point. Our most recent list, during a clothing unit, included “turban, fishnets, tighty whities.”

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