Speaking and Writing Rubrics

In our last post, we offered a short communication rubric to give to students or hang up in your classroom to motivate students to work at a higher proficiency level. Today, we are posting our Writing and Speaking rubric that we adapted from the Jefferson Public County Schools’ rubrics that are connected with the ACTFL proficiency levels.

Our goal this year is to have a communicative classroom and assess our students in an appropriate measure of what they can actually do.

Spanish Writing Rubric
Interpersonal Writing Rubric

Spanish Conversation Rubric
Interpersonal Speaking Rubric

Also, before each unit/chapter we will be handed out a list of objectives for the students. This will be divided into two sections: lenguaje and cultura and will be written as ‘I can statements’. We intend to have students self-assess themselves on this sheet at a level of high, mid, or low and use these same objectives for their formal assessments, which will be graded using the rubrics from above.

About spanishplans

Spanish Teacher in Chicago. Have studied or traveled to Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Spain, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Argentina, and Uruguay. Have taught level 1 at middle and high school levels. Degree in Spanish and Master's in Teaching and Leadership. Blogger www.SpanishPlans.org
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8 Responses to Speaking and Writing Rubrics

  1. teachermrw says:

    These are great! Thank you!

  2. Mitch Fowler says:

    Thanks for much! I lead professional development on analyzing data and I was looking for assessment rubrics in foreign language for my training next week … these are awesome!

  3. Charisse Litteken says:

    Thank you so very much for sharing these!

  4. Michelle Briseño says:

    Gracias por compartir sus recursos.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Awesome resources! This make my life easier and the excitement to be to do more with my students especially with communication. Mil gracias!

  6. Amanda Hajji says:

    Thank you for sharing these! Do you have any intermediate level rubrics?

  7. Success is a simple matter that is repeated over and over again

  8. Calvin says:

    Great post thankss

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