Spanish Teacher Memes

Chistes / Fotos Chistosas /  Memes in Spanish / Teaching Spanish Memes /
20 Terrible Jokes for Spanish Students

Taco Bell Mexican Taco Bell no es comida mexicana meme

Mexico Independence Day

does this have to be done in spanishone does not simply use google translate

Don't use Google Translate Meme

Puedo ir al bano memeDinero is not Dinner

How do you say taco in Spanish?Past tense comes after present tense
How do you say Taco in SpanishComo se dice taco en espanol
Using Google Translate

Where did you learn Spanish

Responds with Si


Student just repeats questionCinco de Mayo Meme

Grumpy Cat in SpanishThe first question student ask when learning about a Hispanic holidaydifference between ser and estar

me llamo esCuando cuento un chiste en clase

1st day of Spanish class

Enter a caption

Teacher Problems

Colombia as Columbia memeSpell Colombia with a U

Be like the letter H silent Spanish H is silent

Romeo Santos un minuto de silencio es lo que estoy pidiendo
Mi papa tiene 47 anos

Show off my conjugation skillsConjugation is not proficiency: When I see a WL teacher give a verb quiz

teach grammarThe chupacabra will get students who are late for class  In the hall without a pass? The chupacabra is going to get you

ay no I Know

Students’ Questions:

German teacher meme French teacher meme Spanish teacher meme

Parent Teacher Conferences:

Spanish Teacher conferences memeSpanish Teacher parent conferences meme

Chistes / Fotos Chistosas /  Memes in Spanish / Teaching Spanish Memes /
20 Terrible Jokes for Spanish Students

3 Responses to Spanish Teacher Memes

  1. Jessica says:

    These were hilarious! I can’t wait to share some with my students! Thank you!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Muy divertidos temas para la clase con mis estudiantes y amigos. Thank You so much!

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